Monday, December 21, 2009

Are You Planning Not to Retire?

I have talked with a number of people in their 50s and 60s who are not planning to retire - at least not in the traditional sense of retirement. They do not see a rocking chair in their near future. They are not planning to move to Florida and stroll on the beach from dawn to dusk every day. They are not yet ready to stay at home and just putter around in the garden or on the golf course. These are people who are planning not to retire - yet!

Many of these individuals plan to keep working - not necessarily in the same job, but working at something. Some people take advantage of their retirement plan and look for new ways to utilize their skills and satisfy their need to do meaningful work. That is often accomplished by finding another kind of work, sometimes that is accomplished through volunteer or community work.

Keep in mind, that for work to be meaningful, doesn't mean it has to be high pay or high stress or high profile or huge responsibilities. Meaningfulness is an individual preference. So, what I might think of as meaningful, someone else may not, and vice-versa. In most cases, in order for an activity to be meaningful, it must bring to someone some joy, pleasure, excitement, or an interesting challenge. Secondly, for an activity to be meaningful, it generally meets a personal goal or fills a need. Generally it will be an activity that allows you to use your talents and abilities. Additionally, for an activity to be meaningful, it generally needs to be something that fits with a value you hold dear. It is generally something that addresses a need on a larger scale - community, country, or humankind.

As more and more people work later in life, the picture of 'typical retirement' is changing. Think and dream about how you would like to spend time in your next stage of life and plan now to create the life you want in your retirement years.

Mary Ann Davis is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in private practice providing coaching and counseling for life's transitions; including career change or job search, as well as loss of job, retirement planning, coping with an empty nest, and other life planning issues. She is certified as a Master Career Counselor (MCC), by the National Career Development Association; a Life/Work Counselor (L/WC) by the National Employment Counseling Association; and is a Distance Credentialed Counselor (DCC). Please visit her web site at for more information.

To contact Mary Ann, please call (513) 665-4444 x3 and leave a personal and confidential message or send an email to

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


"IF" is a small word, but it can have great impact on our lives. Think of all the times you have used the word 'if'. Perhaps at times you have said, or thought, "If I had stayed at that job, by now I would be ___." Or "If I hadn't done _________ now I would be _________." Sometimes we decide, "If I do _________ now, I won't be able to do _________ later." You may even have thought, "If I retire when I'm _____ years old, my life will be over."

It is probably natural to think in terms of 'ifs', but I encourage you not to let those thoughts rule every decision. Allow yourself to think of the wonderful possibilities that could happen... if. Sometimes it can help to think of the 'ifs', like "If everything goes as planned, I will be able to ___________." Or, "If I change my lifestyle in this way, I can enjoy __________."

So, I encourage you to think of the potential positive aspects of your 'what ifs'. It certainly can be scarry to make a change because of the uncertainty involved. Plan for the likeliest events and you will be more likely to increase your confidence in making the change.

Mary Ann Davis, M.A., is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the State of Ohio, a Master Career Counselor (MCC) as designated by the National Career Development Association, a Life/Work Counselor, and a Distance Credentialed Counselor. She has over 20 years of experience working with adults in transition. She meets with individuals in person through Yager & Associates' Holistic Counseling Care of Cincinnati and at a distance through Your Career Plan.

Visit her web site at, call Mary Ann at (513) 665-4444 x3, or send an e-mail to


Throughout life we are presented with many choices - some difficult, some easy, some complicated, and some just plain hard choices to make. But having choices is a good thing. I think sometimes we forget that or we don't want to make a choice on a particular issue. As I have often struggled with making choices and sometimes struggled because of my choices, I feel like it doesn't get any easier - making choices. But that is a part of life.

I decided to create this Web Log to share some thoughts, some insights, some challenges, and perhaps some realizations that I have come to regarding different pathways for life. I have been working with adults in transition for over 20 years and have walked with family and friends through various transitions. And one thing I have realized is that as human beings, we can and have handled tremendous loads and very difficult journeys and keep moving on.

So, as I add blogs to the site, I hope you will find something to offer you some insight, some comfort, or some information to help you on your journey. Feel free to share a comment, if you desire.

Mary Ann Davis, M.A., is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), designated as a Master Career Counselor (MCC) by the National Career Development Association, a Life/Work Counselor, and a Distance Credentialed Counselor with over 20 years of experience providing coaching and counseling for life's transitions. She meets with individuals in person at Holistic Counseling Care of Cincinnati and at a distance through Your Career Plan.

Visit her web site at, call Mary Ann at (513) 665-4444 x3, or send an e-mail to